Our Radios

Yaesu FT-950

The Yaesu is a superb radio. It was kindly gifted to me by members of the local amateur radio society. It will most likely be the only hf radio I will ever need. It has an output of 100 Watts, but I'm a low power operator and usually have the power set between QRP (10 Watts) and 40 Watts. With the antenna just a few metres from my head, I'm not going to crank up the power and fry my brain. On a decent day I get good contacts around Great Britain, Europe and sometimes Scandinavia. The rest of the world doesn't really interest me so much.

AnyTone 778UV

The anytone is a great little mobile radio that I listen to most days. It has 2m and 70cm bands. I bought it from a friend of one of the local club members. I usually have it on during the day and 'monitor' the calling frequency and local club frequencies on 2m. I have no interest or use for 70cm. I take it on holiday with me, but 2m is sketchy at best in the Scottish Highlands. There are a few operators on the west coast.

I also have a 10 metre radio and a 4 metre one. Both are boxed in another room at present. The ones above I have on most days.

April 2024